Advanced Tools for Private and Urban Security

Quantum Solutions can offer official public authorities with various technology tools to assist in identifying critical incidents, as well as finding missing or wanted persons at airports, malls, amusement parks, sporting events, and city streets.


Profesional Face recognition software for massive real-time video screenig while computing anonymous people analytics, from various sources to large image databases, Egates, Image analysis , portraits and Passports verification


Video Synopsis and Forensic analitics. Post-event and routine review and investigation of large quantities of video file from diferents sources, reviewing hours in just minutes, pinpointing events of interest, reaching targets quickly to take the required action


Scenario based Video Analytics for commercial and public sectors. Deployments include: perimeter protection, intrusion detection, investigation & forensics and the management of traffic, crowds and operations. The patented scenario based approach allows multiple behaviour descriptions to be applied simultaneously or in predefined sequences; and it is these scenario combinations that create an exact description of the target behaviour, thereby giving dependable real alerts and dramatically reduced false alarms

Plate Smart

Turn ANY conventional surveillance camera into an Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) camera, not just an ordinary license plate reader. ALPR-based video analytics solutions uses Artificial Intelligence (AI), recognizing state jurisdiction and vehicle make, comprehensive search and reporting capabilities, and cloud-based Software-as-a-Service ALPR analytics solution is available.

Security Solutions for Today and Beyond.

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